
Why do we need middleware for async flow in Redux?

Redux operates on a simple yet powerful principle: the state of your application changes only when a synchronous action object is dispatched to the store. In other words, actions are typically plain objects describing what happened, but not how or when. However, real-world applications often require asynchronous operations—such as fetching data from APIs, handling timeouts, or orchestrating side effects. That’s where middleware comes into play. Below, we’ll explore why we need middleware to handle async flows in Redux, and how it keeps our code organized and predictable.

1. Redux Core: Synchronous at Heart

The core Redux workflow revolves around:

  1. Actions: Simple, plain JavaScript objects describing state changes.
  2. Reducers: Pure functions that take the current state and an action, then return the new state.
  3. Store: Manages state and dispatches actions.

By default, Redux only understands synchronous actions. If you dispatch an action, the reducer runs, and the store’s state is updated immediately. But what if you want to wait for an API call to complete before dispatching an action, or coordinate a chain of side effects?

2. Middleware Provides a Hook for Async Logic

Middleware is a layer between dispatching an action and the moment it reaches the reducer. It allows you to intercept actions and decide how to handle them—perhaps by delaying them, modifying them, or even canceling them. This interception point makes middleware the perfect place to implement asynchronous logic:

  • Redux Thunk: Lets you return functions (instead of plain objects) from your actions. Inside these functions, you can perform async operations and then dispatch actions once the data is ready.
  • Redux Saga: Uses generator functions to handle complex asynchronous flows and side effects in a more declarative way.
  • Redux Observable: Uses RxJS observables to manage async flows with streaming data, cancellation, and more advanced patterns.

Without middleware, you’d have to either break the rules (dispatch non-plain-object actions directly in your code) or force the store to handle asynchrony itself—which goes against Redux’s core design of having pure reducers and a predictable, synchronous data flow.

3. Keeping Code Predictable and Maintainable

One of Redux’s greatest benefits is predictability. You know that each action results in a clear, traceable change to your state. Introducing async operations without middleware can erode that predictability—actions might get dispatched at unknown times or in the wrong order. Middleware maintains the unidirectional data flow, providing:

  1. Traceability: You can still track exactly which actions were dispatched and in what order.
  2. Separation of Concerns: Your business logic (when to fetch data or apply side effects) stays in middleware, while your reducers remain pure functions.
  3. Extensibility: You can use or create different middleware to solve various use cases, from simple fetch calls (Redux Thunk) to complex sagas (Redux Saga).

4. Common Middleware Patterns

  • Dispatching Multiple Actions: Fetch data, then dispatch a “loading” action and a “success” action (or “error” if it fails).
  • Conditional Logic: Check if data is already in the store before making another request.
  • Handling Cancellations: Gracefully handle if a user navigates away before an async call finishes.

5. Putting It All Together with an Example

Using Redux Thunk, you might create an action that looks like this:

// actions.js export const fetchUsers = () => { return async (dispatch) => { dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_USERS_REQUEST' }); try { const response = await fetch('/api/users'); const data = await response.json(); dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_USERS_SUCCESS', payload: data }); } catch (error) { dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_USERS_FAILURE', error }); } }; };

Notice here:

  • We return a function instead of a plain object.
  • Inside the function, we perform an async operation (fetch) and then dispatch plain object actions with the results.
  • The reducers remain pure, handling these dispatched actions to update the store accordingly.

6. Leveling Up Your React & Redux Skills

Mastering the async flow in Redux is an important step, but it’s also crucial to solidify your overall JavaScript and React foundation to tackle more advanced topics with ease. If you’re aiming to stand out in interviews or want to craft resilient, scalable apps, here are some excellent resources from DesignGurus.io:

If you prefer personalized feedback, check out Coding Mock Interviews offered by ex-FAANG engineers. These sessions can help you refine your problem-solving approach and communication skills.


Redux’s architectural simplicity hinges on synchronous, predictable state updates. Introducing async operations can disrupt that unless you have a systematic way to handle them—hence the need for middleware. By intercepting actions before they hit your reducers, middleware keeps your code organized, your data flow predictable, and your asynchronous tasks under control. With tools like Redux Thunk, Redux Saga, or Redux Observable, you can confidently manage complex async logic while preserving Redux’s core benefits of purity, clarity, and maintainability.
