
What is the difference between using constructor vs getInitialState in React / React Native?

Historically, React provided two primary ways to initialize a component’s state, depending on the style of class definition you used:

  1. getInitialState():

    • Older Approach: Commonly used in React’s pre-ES6 era when defining components with React.createClass.
    • Usage: Provided an initial state object for the component.
    • Deprecation: This pattern is no longer recommended; React.createClass has been deprecated, and newer React code (including React Native) typically uses ES6 classes or function components with hooks.
  2. constructor() in ES6 Class Components:

    • Modern Standard: In ES6 class-based components, you override the class constructor to initialize state.
    • Usage: Must call super(props) before using this.state or this.setState.
    • Example:
      class MyComponent extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { count: 0 }; } // ... }

Key Differences

  1. Syntax and Inheritance

    • getInitialState belongs to the older React.createClass pattern, which uses a mixin-like style.
    • constructor is standard JavaScript class syntax, where you must invoke super(props) before accessing this.
  2. Modern React Compatibility

    • getInitialState is not used in modern React or React Native codebases that rely on ES6 classes or function components.
    • constructor works with ES6 classes, the de facto approach for older class-based components in React and React Native.
  3. Function Components with Hooks

    • Today, many developers prefer function components with React Hooks like useState. This approach eliminates the need for either getInitialState or constructor for state initialization:
      function MyFunctionalComponent() { const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0); // ... }

Which One Should You Use?

  • New Projects: Rely on function components with hooks (useState), or if you need class components, use ES6 classes with constructor.
  • Existing Legacy Code: If you encounter getInitialState, it’s likely a legacy or migrated codebase. Consider refactoring to ES6 classes or function components if possible.

Strengthening Your React and JavaScript Skills

Whether you’re using class components or function components, a solid JavaScript foundation is crucial for writing efficient React code. If you want to level up your skills, consider these courses from DesignGurus.io:

For hands-on interview practice, check out Coding Mock Interviews with ex-FAANG engineers, where you can receive personalized feedback and refine your approach to tough coding challenges.


  • getInitialState is an older method tied to React.createClass, no longer used in modern React or React Native.
  • constructor is the standard way to initialize state in ES6 class components, still relevant if you’re maintaining or creating class-based components.
  • Function components with hooks (e.g., useState) are the recommended approach for most current React and React Native applications, removing the need for a class constructor altogether.