
What is the difference between margin and padding in CSS?

  • Padding is the space inside an element, between its content and its border.
  • Margin is the space outside an element, between its border (or outer edge) and neighboring elements.

Below is a more in-depth comparison:

1. Visual Model

 |        M A R G I N       |  <- Margin
 |   +-------------------+   |
 |   |    BORDER        |   |  
 |   |  +-----------+   |   |  
 |   |  |  PADDING |   |   |
 |   |  | +-------+|   |   |
 |   |  | |Content||   |   |
 |   |  | +-------+|   |   |
 |   |  +-----------+  |   |
 |   +-------------------+  |
  1. Margin: Blank area outside the element’s border, separating it from adjacent elements.
  2. Border: The outline that encloses the element’s box, sitting between margin and padding.
  3. Padding: Spacing between the element’s border and its content area (text, images, etc.).
  4. Content: Where the actual text, images, or other media are displayed.

2. Effects on Box Size


  • Increases the element’s size if box-sizing is set to content-box (the default).
  • Typically used to give breathing space around the content, making it more readable.


  • Doesn’t affect an element’s own width or height (except for some special cases like inline-block, auto margins in Flexbox, etc.).
  • Instead, it pushes elements around, creating space outside the element’s boundary.

Example: If you have a 100px wide <div> with padding: 10px; (and default box-sizing):

  • The total width becomes 100px (content) + 10px left padding + 10px right padding = 120px.
  • If you add a border or margin, those add further to the outer box.

3. Use Cases

  1. Padding

    • Ideal for providing readable spacing around text or images inside a box.
    • Ensures backgrounds and borders remain behind the padding, giving a consistent look.
  2. Margin

    • Manages space between adjacent elements (like paragraphs, divs, or images).
    • Helps maintain a clean and consistent layout.
    • Negative margins can create overlapping or “pulling” effects.

4. Special Considerations

Collapsing Margins

Adjacent vertical margins between two block-level elements can “collapse” into a single margin in many cases. Padding does not collapse—padding is always added to the element’s box.

Shorthand Properties

  • padding: 10px 5px; sets top/bottom to 10px, left/right to 5px.
  • margin: 20px auto; sets top/bottom margin to 20px and left/right margin to auto (commonly used for horizontal centering in a fixed-width layout).


  • box-sizing: content-box; (default): Padding expands the box beyond the declared width/height.
  • box-sizing: border-box;: Padding is included inside the declared width/height.

5. Quick Comparison Chart

Space LocationOutside elementInside element’s box
Affects SizeGenerally no (content-box)Yes, increases box size (content-box)
CollapsingYes, vertical margins collapseNo, never collapses
Typical UsageSeparating elementsSpacing around content
Box-SizingNot counted in box width/heightCounted unless border-box is used


  • Padding adds space within an element, pushing content away from its edges or border.
  • Margin creates space around the element itself, separating it from neighboring elements.

Use padding to improve readability inside a box, and margin to control layout spacing among boxes.
