
What is __pycache__?

__pycache__ is a special directory automatically generated by Python (specifically from Python 3 onwards) that stores compiled bytecode versions of your .py files. When you import or run a Python module for the first time, the interpreter compiles it to bytecode (with a .pyc extension) and saves that file within a __pycache__ folder. This mechanism speeds up subsequent runs of your code by eliminating the need to recompile your Python scripts every time they execute.

1. Why Does Python Create __pycache__?

  1. Performance Optimization: Compiled bytecode loads faster than parsing raw .py files every run.
  2. Version Tracking: Python names the cached files in a way that includes the interpreter version (e.g., mymodule.cpython-39.pyc), so different Python versions can coexist without overwriting each other’s caches.

2. Key Things to Know

  1. Safe to Delete: Deleting __pycache__ doesn’t break your code. Python will simply recompile and recreate the directory when needed.
  2. Ignore in Version Control: It’s standard practice to add __pycache__ (and other .pyc or .pyo files) to .gitignore or other VCS ignore files, preventing unnecessary commits.
  3. Multi-Version Compatibility: Because compiled files may differ across Python versions or implementations, you might see multiple .pyc files with slightly different names inside __pycache__.

3. Best Practices Around __pycache__

  1. Clean Builds: If you’re deploying your application, it’s common to remove all __pycache__ directories for a clean build environment (especially in CI/CD pipelines).
  2. Deployment: In many cases, you don’t need to ship the __pycache__ folder to production. Python will regenerate it upon the first use of the modules.
  3. Development: While it might feel cluttered, it’s best to leave __pycache__ directories as-is during development. They help speed up your coding and testing cycles.

4. Learn More About Python

If you’re aiming to deepen your Python knowledge, here are two standout courses on DesignGurus.io that can help:

  • Grokking Python Fundamentals
    Ideal for Python beginners and intermediate users who want a clear understanding of core language features, including modules, packages, and advanced topics like file I/O and environment setup.

  • Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions
    Focuses on solving common interview problems in Python (and other languages) by teaching recognized coding patterns, data structures, and algorithms to help you ace technical interviews.

5. Going Beyond Code

For those looking to excel in software engineering roles at major tech companies, a solid grounding in system design is equally important. Consider:

You can also explore the DesignGurus YouTube Channel for free video tutorials on system design and coding interviews.

Final Thoughts

__pycache__ is an integral yet behind-the-scenes part of Python’s performance strategy. While it might appear as clutter in your project directory, it serves a valuable purpose by caching bytecode for faster startup times. Understanding the role of __pycache__ and managing it properly—especially ignoring it in version control—will keep your workflow clean and efficient. Happy coding!
