
What does the !! (double exclamation mark) operator do in JavaScript?

Demystifying the Double Exclamation Mark (!!) in JavaScript

In JavaScript, the !! operator is not a dedicated operator by itself but rather the logical NOT operator (!) applied twice in succession. Applying ! once to a value converts it to a boolean and then negates it. Applying ! again negates the negation, effectively converting any truthy or falsy value to a clean true or false boolean.

Breaking It Down

  1. Single ! (Logical NOT):
    The single exclamation mark operator converts a value to a boolean and returns the opposite boolean value:

    • If the value is "truthy" (e.g., 1, "hello", [], {}), !value returns false.
    • If the value is "falsy" (e.g., 0, "", null, undefined, NaN, false), !value returns true.
  2. Double !!:
    Applying ! a second time flips it back:

    • For a truthy value, !value is false, and then !!value becomes true.
    • For a falsy value, !value is true, and then !!value becomes false.

In other words, !!value converts the given value into a boolean representation of its truthiness, without changing its original truthy/falsy nature.


!!"hello" // true, because "hello" is truthy !!42 // true, because 42 is truthy !![] // true, because an empty array is truthy !!{} // true, because an empty object is truthy !!true // true, obviously !!0 // false, because 0 is falsy !!"" // false, because an empty string is falsy !!null // false, because null is falsy !!undefined // false, because undefined is falsy !!NaN // false, because NaN is falsy !!false // false, obviously

Why Use !!?

  • Data Type Normalization:
    !!value is a concise way to ensure you’re dealing with a boolean instead of other truthy or falsy values. This makes it useful for conditions or returning explicit booleans from functions.

  • Clarity in Code Logic:
    While it’s not mandatory, using !! can make the intent clearer when you explicitly want a boolean result rather than a truthy or falsy value. For instance, you might have a function that needs to return strictly true or false rather than relying on the truthiness of a returned value.


  • Readability vs. Familiarity:
    If you’re working with a team of varying skill levels, consider whether the double exclamation mark might confuse some developers unfamiliar with the idiom. A comment or a more explicit boolean check may be clearer.

  • No Performance Benefit Over Other Checks:
    !! is a neat shortcut, but it doesn’t offer any performance advantages over other boolean checks. Its benefit is purely one of convenience and code brevity.

Strengthening Your JavaScript Foundation

Understanding these small but useful idioms is part of becoming proficient in JavaScript. To further deepen your knowledge of the language, consider structured learning resources:

  • Grokking JavaScript Fundamentals: Perfect for beginners and those refreshing their knowledge, this course covers the language essentials, ensuring you’ll handle core concepts—like truthiness, falsiness, and type coercion—with ease.

In Summary

The !! operator in JavaScript is a double negation trick that converts any value into its boolean equivalent:

  • Truthy values become true.
  • Falsy values become false.

It’s a handy tool for normalizing values into a boolean type, making your code more explicit when handling conditions or returning boolean results.
