
How to use a keypress event in AngularJS?

In AngularJS, you can handle keyboard events (like keypress) either directly in the template with an event directive (such as ng-keypress, ng-keydown, or ng-keyup), or programmatically in a directive’s link function or controller. Below are a few approaches, along with best practices and additional tips to ensure clean, maintainable code.

1. Using Built-In Event Directives (ng-keypress)

AngularJS provides ng-keypress, ng-keyup, and ng-keydown directives that allow you to capture keyboard events directly in your HTML.

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MainController"> <input type="text" ng-model="text" ng-keypress="onKeyPress($event)"> </div>

Controller Setup:

angular.module('myApp', []) .controller('MainController', function($scope) { $scope.text = ''; $scope.onKeyPress = function(event) { console.log('Key pressed: ', event.key); // Example: If user pressed "Enter" if (event.which === 13) { alert('Enter was pressed!'); } }; });
  1. ng-keypress="onKeyPress($event)" binds the key press event to the onKeyPress method in your controller.
  2. $event is automatically passed to your function by AngularJS. You can then access properties like event.which or event.key.


  • Declarative: You see exactly which element triggers the function.
  • Simple: Great for quick keyboard event handling.


  • Not as flexible for more sophisticated logic or when you need dynamic event attachments.

2. Using a Custom Directive for Keyboard Events

If you need more fine-grained control, or you want to handle multiple events or more complex logic in a structured way, you can create a custom directive. This is especially useful in scenarios where you want to encapsulate event handling across multiple elements.

// keypress-directive.js angular.module('myApp') .directive('customKeypress', function() { return { restrict: 'A', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { element.on('keypress', function(event) { if (event.which === 13) { // Example: call a function passed in via attrs scope.$apply(function() { scope.$eval(attrs.customKeypress, { $event: event }); }); } }); // Clean up event listener on destroy scope.$on('$destroy', function() { element.off('keypress'); }); } }; });


<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MainController"> <input type="text" custom-keypress="onEnterPress($event)"> </div>


angular.module('myApp') .controller('MainController', function($scope) { $scope.onEnterPress = function(event) { console.log('Enter key pressed!', event); }; });
  1. The directive customKeypress listens for the keypress event.
  2. If the pressed key is Enter (event.which === 13), it evaluates the expression passed via the directive attribute (in this case, onEnterPress($event)).
  3. We manually wrap the call in scope.$apply() to ensure AngularJS is aware of any scope changes.


  • Reusable: Encapsulates logic in one place.
  • Customizable: You can handle any key, or multiple keys, without cluttering your template.


  • More setup compared to the built-in directives like ng-keypress.

3. Using ng-keyup or ng-keydown Instead

Depending on your use case, you might prefer keyup or keydown events:

  • Keydown: Fires when a key is initially pressed.
  • Keyup: Fires when the key is released.
  • Keypress: Historically used for character input detection, but in modern browsers, it’s often replaced by keydown or keyup with additional checks for character codes.
<input type="text" ng-keydown="onKeyDown($event)"> <input type="text" ng-keyup="onKeyUp($event)">

Choose the approach that best suits your UX—like confirming something as soon as a key is pressed vs. when it’s released.

4. Best Practices & Tips

  1. Use $event Properly

    • $event in AngularJS is the native DOM event object.
    • Check properties like event.key, event.which, or event.keyCode to identify the pressed key.
  2. Scope Updates

    • If you mutate scope variables in a custom event handler (e.g., via element.on('keypress', fn)), you usually need to wrap your changes in $apply() or use $timeout() so AngularJS detects the update.
  3. Avoid Overusing ng-keypress

    • If you have many input fields, binding a separate watcher for each might be a performance concern.
    • Consider a single directive that handles multiple fields or a controller function that processes aggregated input.
  4. Event Cleanup

    • In a custom directive, always remove your event listeners in a $destroy event to prevent memory leaks.
  5. Accessibility

    • Keyboard interactions should be designed with accessibility in mind. Consider user workflows, especially if your site needs to be navigable by keyboard.


AngularJS provides built-in directives like ng-keypress, ng-keydown, and ng-keyup for straightforward scenarios. For more advanced or reusable logic, custom directives let you manage event listeners in a structured way—offering more control over the life cycle and data flow.

Taking Your AngularJS & System Design Skills to the Next Level

Handling keyboard events is one piece of building robust AngularJS applications. Here are a few resources from DesignGurus.io that can help you refine your JavaScript and system design foundations:

If you’d like personalized feedback, explore Mock Interviews with ex-FAANG engineers:

Finally, check out the DesignGurus.io YouTube channel for free tutorials on system design, coding patterns, and interview tips.

Final Thoughts

For basic needs, ng-keypress is the simplest way to capture keystrokes in AngularJS:

<input type="text" ng-keypress="handleKeyPress($event)">

However, if you need more complex or reusable logic, consider a custom directive to manage event listeners and scope interactions. By following these approaches—and adhering to AngularJS best practices—you’ll keep your code organized, testable, and user-friendly.
