
How to query MongoDB with "like"?

In traditional SQL databases, you might use the LIKE keyword to find records where a column’s value matches a certain pattern. For example, WHERE name LIKE '%John%' would find any record containing “John.” In MongoDB—which is document-based rather than relational—there’s no direct LIKE keyword, but you can achieve the same functionality with regular expressions and specific operators.

Below, we’ll walk through the primary ways to perform pattern matching (akin to SQL’s LIKE) in MongoDB, discuss performance considerations, and share resources to deepen your NoSQL knowledge.

1. Using $regex for Pattern Matching

MongoDB supports the $regex operator to perform pattern matching in queries. Here’s the basic syntax:

db.collection.find({ fieldName: { $regex: /pattern/, $options: 'i' } });
  1. fieldName: The name of the field on which you want to run the search.
  2. $regex: Contains a JavaScript regular expression.
  3. $options: Additional flags for case sensitivity, multiline matching, etc. The 'i' option means “case-insensitive.”

Example: Partial Match on a Field

Suppose we have a Users collection, and we want to find all documents whose username contains the substring “john,” ignoring case:

db.Users.find({ username: { $regex: /john/i } });
  • This will match john, John, JOHn, or any variant with extra characters like @john_doe.

2. Using String Anchors

If you want to match only the beginning or end of the string, you can use anchors (^ for start, $ for end).

Example: Matching Strings Starting With “John”

db.Users.find({ username: { $regex: /^john/i } });
  • Only retrieves documents where username begins with “john,” like John1990 or johnathan.

Example: Matching Strings Ending With “Doe”

db.Users.find({ username: { $regex: /doe$/i } });
  • Matches JaneDoe, john_doe, and so on.

3. Combining $regex With Other Query Operators

Regular expressions can be part of more complex queries. For instance, you could filter by date range or another field while also searching for a partial match on a text field.

db.Users.find({ $and: [ { createdAt: { $gte: ISODate("2024-01-01") } }, { username: { $regex: /john/i } } ] });
  • Fetches users whose accounts were created after January 1, 2024, and whose username contains “john.”

4. Performance Considerations

  1. Indexing: By default, $regex queries on large collections can be slow, especially if the pattern is not left-anchored (i.e., ^someString).
  2. Case Sensitivity: Using the 'i' option can prevent the database from effectively using certain types of indexes.
  3. Text Indexes: For more advanced text-search capabilities (synonyms, natural language queries), consider MongoDB’s text indexes. These differ from a simple $regex pattern match.

5. When to Use Text Search Instead

MongoDB offers text search by creating a special text index on fields containing large or natural language text. If your use case involves complex queries or requires searching across multiple fields, text search might be more powerful and efficient than $regex. However, text search doesn’t support partial substring matches the same way $regex does. It’s best used for full-word searches or phrase matching.

6. Level Up Your Skills in Databases & System Design

If you’re preparing for interviews or aiming to strengthen your skills in databases (NoSQL or SQL), check out these curated resources from DesignGurus.io:

7. Mock Interviews and More

  • Mock Interviews: Practice coding or system design with ex-FAANG engineers for personalized feedback.
  • Interview BootCamp: Looking for a structured, week-by-week prep plan? Check out the Interview BootCamp.
  • DesignGurus YouTube Channel: Head over to the DesignGurus YouTube channel for free tutorials, Q&As, and insider tips on coding and system design interviews.


While MongoDB doesn’t have a direct LIKE operator, you can achieve similar partial-match functionality with **regex** queries. For simpler substring matches, `regex` might suffice. For more advanced, full-text capabilities, consider MongoDB’s text search with appropriate indexing. Balancing performance, precision, and your specific use case is key.

For a deeper dive into databases—both SQL and NoSQL—and how to seamlessly integrate them into larger system designs, explore the courses at DesignGurus.io. Happy querying!
