
How to delete rows from a pandas DataFrame based on a conditional expression?

In Pandas, removing rows that meet a specific condition typically involves creating a filtered DataFrame that excludes those rows, or explicitly dropping them using their indices. Below are a few common approaches:

1. Filtering with Boolean Indexing (Recommended)

The most straightforward way is to filter the DataFrame based on a Boolean condition. For example, suppose you have a condition: “Keep all rows where colA is greater than 10, and discard any rows where colA is less than or equal to 10.”

import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({ "colA": [5, 12, 15, 8, 20], "colB": ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"] }) # Retain rows where colA > 10 df_filtered = df[df["colA"] > 10] print(df_filtered)
  1. Condition: df["colA"] > 10 creates a boolean Series (True/False).
  2. Filtering: df[...] keeps rows where the condition is True.
  3. Result: A new DataFrame without rows that fail the condition. The original df is unchanged unless you reassign it, e.g. df = df[df["colA"] > 10].

2. Dropping Rows by Identifying Indices

Sometimes you might want to explicitly drop rows in place (or create a copy). Here, you:

  1. Identify the indices of rows that meet the unwanted condition.
  2. Use df.drop() to remove those rows.
# Condition: rows where colA <= 10 rows_to_drop = df[df["colA"] <= 10].index # Drop them from the DataFrame df_dropped = df.drop(rows_to_drop) print(df_dropped)
  1. df[df["colA"] <= 10].index gives the index labels of all rows where colA is ≤ 10.
  2. df.drop(...) removes them.
  3. If you want to modify the original DataFrame in place, add inplace=True:
    df.drop(rows_to_drop, inplace=True)

3. Combining Multiple Conditions

You can combine multiple conditions using:

  • & for logical AND
  • | for logical OR
  • ~ for logical NOT

For example:

# Keep rows where colA > 10 AND colB == "E" df_filtered = df[(df["colA"] > 10) & (df["colB"] == "E")]

Performance & Best Practices

  1. Boolean Indexing is typically the most intuitive approach for removing unwanted rows in a single step.
  2. Chaining multiple operations (e.g. df[df["colA"] > 10].drop(...)) can reduce clarity. If your conditions or transformations are complex, consider breaking them into separate lines or well-named variables.
  3. In-Place vs Copy: Remember that df[...] or df.drop(...) without inplace=True returns a new DataFrame. If you need the original DataFrame to change, either reassign the result back to df or use inplace=True.

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With these approaches, you can easily remove rows that meet (or fail) any condition—helping you keep your data clean, relevant, and ready for analysis.
