
How to add a new element to an array without specifying the index in Bash?

How to Add a New Element to an Array in Bash Without Specifying the Index

In Bash, you can append elements to an array without manually specifying the index by using the += operator. Below is a simple example of how to do this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash # Declare an array with some initial elements my_array=("apple" "banana" "cherry") # Append a new element without specifying the index my_array+=("date") # Print the entire array echo "Array elements: ${my_array[@]}" # Output: Array elements: apple banana cherry date

How This Works

  • my_array=("apple" "banana" "cherry") initializes an array with three elements.
  • my_array+=("date") appends "date" to the array without you manually providing an index.
  • ${my_array[@]} expands all elements in the array, which is a common way to display or iterate over them.

Alternative: Using the Array’s Length

Another method is to use the current length of the array (i.e., number of elements) as the index. But typically, += is cleaner:


This manually sets the new element at the next available index by using the array’s current length.

Useful Tips

  • Iterating: You can iterate over the array elements using:
    for item in "${my_array[@]}"; do echo "$item" done
  • Getting the Length: The expression ${#my_array[@]} returns the number of elements in my_array.
  • Declaring Arrays: In older Bash versions, you might need to explicitly declare an array with declare -a my_array before assigning values.

Bottom Line
To add elements without specifying an index, simply use the += operator with parentheses around the new value, like my_array+=("date"). This makes it easy to build an array dynamically in a Bash script.
