
How do I use $scope.$watch and $scope.$apply in AngularJS?

AngularJS provides powerful mechanisms to observe and react to data changes within your application. Two of the most important tools for this are $scope.$watch and $scope.$apply. Understanding these functions will not only help you troubleshoot issues more efficiently but also leverage AngularJS’s two-way data binding to its fullest.


The $watch method lets you observe changes in a particular scope variable or function and react accordingly.

$scope.$watch('myVariable', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { console.log('myVariable changed:', newValue); } });
  1. Signature

    $scope.$watch(watchExpression, listenerFunction, [objectEquality]);
    • watchExpression: The scope variable (string) or function you want to observe.
    • listenerFunction(newValue, oldValue): A callback that’s invoked each time the watchExpression changes.
    • objectEquality (optional): When set to true, tells AngularJS to do a deep watch (used for objects or arrays).
  2. When to Use $watch

    • Monitoring external data sources that don’t automatically trigger a digest cycle.
    • Executing logic whenever a particular value changes in the scope—e.g., form validations, UI updates, etc.
  3. Performance Note

    • Each $watch adds to the AngularJS digest cycle. Use them judiciously, or you might end up with performance bottlenecks in larger apps.


The $apply method triggers a digest cycle, which processes all $watchers in the current scope (and child scopes).

$scope.$apply(function() { $scope.myVariable = 'new value'; });
  1. Signature

    • expression (optional): A function or a string that modifies the scope. If omitted, you can call $scope.$apply() to simply trigger a digest.
  2. When to Use scope.apply

    • When you make asynchronous changes to the model outside of AngularJS’s event loop (e.g., a third-party library callback or a raw setTimeout in plain JavaScript).
    • Ensures AngularJS notices the changes and updates the view accordingly.
  3. Common Pattern

    • Often you’ll see code like this:
      someAsyncFunction(function(result) { // Update scope inside $apply $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.data = result; }); });
    • This forces AngularJS to recognize changes made by external callbacks.

Combining watch and apply

  • $watch automatically fires during a digest cycle.
  • If your changes are made from within AngularJS (like an ng-click or ng-model update), you typically don’t need $apply; AngularJS handles it for you.
  • If you’re manipulating scope variables in non-AngularJS code, you’ll likely need $apply to ensure $watchers see those changes.

Pro Tips and Best Practices

  1. Minimize Watchers
    Use $watch sparingly. If you find yourself creating multiple watchers for the same object, consider whether a single watcher with a custom listener might suffice.

  2. Use One-Time Bindings
    If you know a variable won’t change again, prefix your bindings with ::, as in {{ ::myVariable }}. This removes unneeded watchers once the binding is populated.

  3. Controller as Syntax
    The newer recommended approach in AngularJS is to use Controller as syntax and bind properties directly to this, reducing the need for $scope manipulations. $watch still works, but you’ll typically attach watchers to the controller instance.

Leveling Up Your Frontend & System Design Skills

Beyond mastering AngularJS specifics, a holistic skill set—including coding patterns and system design concepts—can greatly increase your marketability. Below are some resources from DesignGurus.io to help you stand out:

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Final Thoughts

Using $scope.$watch and $scope.$apply effectively is a powerful way to track and manipulate data changes in AngularJS. While this framework has evolved significantly over the years (and inspired modern Angular), understanding its inner workings remains valuable for maintaining legacy apps or working with teams still leveraging AngularJS.

Beyond AngularJS, honing your skills in broader system design and coding patterns can accelerate your career. DesignGurus.io offers a range of courses and services that combine theoretical knowledge with practical, interview-focused preparation—equipping you with the skills you need to succeed at top-tier tech companies. Keep learning, keep experimenting, and happy coding!
