
How can I write 'a:hover' in inline CSS?

You cannot directly write a:hover as inline CSS (e.g., using the style attribute on an <a> element). Inline CSS doesn’t allow pseudo-classes. To style :hover, you must use either an external stylesheet, an internal <style> block, or a JavaScript workaround.

Why Inline CSS Can’t Handle :hover

HTML’s style attribute applies styles directly to that element, but pseudo-classes (like :hover) need a selector that the browser evaluates in real time (i.e., when a user hovers). Inline CSS has no mechanism to express states such as hovering or focus.

Example of What Doesn’t Work

<a href="#" style=":hover { color: red; }">Hover over me</a> <!-- This is invalid and won't do anything. -->


1. Use an Internal or External Stylesheet

Instead of inline, define a rule in <style> or an external .css file:

Internal <style> example:

<html> <head> <style> a:hover { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <a href="#">Hover over me</a> </body> </html>

External CSS file example (styles.css):

a:hover { color: red; }
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> <a href="#">Hover over me</a>
  • Pros: This is the usual, clean approach for styling.
  • Cons: None—this is how CSS is designed to be used.

2. Use JavaScript (On Mouse Events)

If you absolutely must avoid a stylesheet, you could emulate a hover effect with JavaScript event handlers like onmouseover and onmouseout:

<a href="#" onmouseover="this.style.color='red';" onmouseout="this.style.color='';"> Hover over me </a>
  • How it works: The inline JavaScript changes the element’s style when the mouse enters and resets it on exit.
  • Pros: Purely inline in the sense you don’t need a separate <style> or .css file.
  • Cons: Mixing JavaScript logic into HTML can reduce maintainability and accessibility. Also, it’s not truly using the :hover pseudo-class—just simulating it with events.

Best Practice

Use real CSS for :hover, whether it’s an external stylesheet or an internal <style> block. This approach is more maintainable, more accessible, and follows the semantic separation of concerns between content (HTML) and presentation (CSS).


  • You can’t write a:hover inline via the style attribute.
  • Use a stylesheet (best practice) or JavaScript event handlers as a workaround if you really need all styling in the HTML.