
How can I remove RVM (Ruby Version Manager) from my system?

If you’ve decided to switch to another Ruby environment manager (like rbenv) or simply no longer need multiple Ruby versions, you can remove RVM (Ruby Version Manager) entirely from your system. RVM is usually stored in your home directory, and it can also leave references in your shell configuration files. This guide walks you through the steps to completely uninstall RVM and ensure no residual configuration remains.

1. Use the rvm implode Command

The easiest and most direct approach is to let RVM uninstall itself:

rvm implode
  • What it does: This command removes all installed Rubies, gems, and the RVM script from your system.
  • User prompt: You may be prompted to confirm whether you want to proceed. Type yes or press Enter to confirm.

2. Manually Delete the RVM Folder (If Needed)

After running rvm implode, RVM usually deletes its entire directory. However, if any remnants persist or you want to be absolutely sure everything is gone, you can remove the directory manually:

rm -rf ~/.rvm
  • ~/.rvm: This is the default location where RVM stores its files. The rm -rf command permanently deletes the folder, so use it with caution.

3. Remove RVM References from Shell Configuration

RVM often adds lines to your shell’s initialization files such as ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.profile. Open these files in a text editor and remove any lines that reference rvm (for example, lines containing [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm").

  • Check all relevant files: If you’re using Bash, you might have lines in both ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile. For Zsh, check ~/.zshrc.
  • Remove PATH modifications: Look for any lines adding RVM to your PATH, such as PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin".

4. Reload Your Shell or Restart

To make sure changes take effect:

source ~/.bashrc # or whichever file you've edited

Or simply close and reopen your terminal. Check that RVM is gone by running:

rvm --version

You should see an error indicating that the rvm command is no longer available.

5. Consider Alternatives (Optional)

If you still need to manage multiple Ruby versions, consider installing rbenv or chruby. Both are lightweight Ruby version managers that integrate well with your shell.

Strengthen Your Ruby and System Design Skills

If you’re removing RVM because you’re streamlining your Ruby environment or preparing for upcoming tech interviews, it’s a great time to brush up on your broader coding and systems knowledge. Check out these courses from DesignGurus.io to take your skills to the next level:

For tailored guidance, you can also schedule a Coding Mock Interview or System Design Mock Interview with ex-FAANG engineers.


Completely removing RVM involves a few straightforward steps: using rvm implode, manually deleting any leftover RVM folders, and cleaning up shell configuration files. Once you’ve removed RVM, verify by restarting your shell and checking that the rvm command is no longer recognized. By keeping your Ruby environment clean and uncluttered—and continuing to develop your skills—you’ll be well-prepared for any upcoming coding challenges or new projects in Ruby.
